: Missouri DWI Defense Attorney

MO Speeding Tickets | MO DWI | Request Information

Maries County, Missouri Judicial Circuit 25

Maries County Speeding Ticket Lawyers
Maries County DUI / DWI Defense Lawyers

From simple Speeding Ticket defense where "no points" is the goal to felony DUI / DWI defense where your freedom is at stake, the lawyers at can handle it.

Maries County, Missouri Judicial Circuit 25

Maries County Courthouse
211 Fourth Street
P.O. Box 213
Vienna, Missouri 65582
(573)422-3338 (telephone)
(573)422-3976 (facsimile)


Tracy Storie, Presiding Judge, Division I

Mary W. Sheffield, Circuit Judge, Division II
John Clayton, Associate Circuit Judge

Docket Call:
Division I - First Monday of even numbered months.
Division II - First Monday of odd numbered months.

General Information:
Clerk's Office
Leo Thompson, Circuit Clerk
(573)422-3338 (telephone)
(573)422-3976 (facsimile)

Please contact the Clerk's office for information on the following:

Adult Abuse Orders
Civil Court
Criminal Court
Juvenile Court

Associate Division:

Please contact the Associate Division for information on the following:

Probate Court
Small Claims Filings
Traffic Court

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